
Monday 17 May

16,00 Opening ceremony.

Esther Mocholi

Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Nebrija University (Spain).

Javier de Miguel Saavedra

Co-Chair of the Madrid KnowledgeNet chapter of the IAPP. Manager ECIJA Lawyers.

16,30 Inaugural conference. Data protection challenges and opportunities in a global society.

Viviane Reding
Former Vice-President of the European Commission. Former Member of the European Parliament.

17,15 Current situation, regulatory challenges and opportunities in data protection: an international perspective.

Frederick Richter, LL.M.

Director Stiftung Datenschutz (German Federal Foundation for Data Protection).

Nicola Fabiano

President of the San Marino Data Protection Authority.

Alexander McD White

Privacy Commissioner of Bermuda.

Omar Seghrouchni

President of the National Supervisory Commission for the Protection of Personal Data of Morocco.

Salome Bakhsoliani

Deputy State Inspector of Georgia.


Beatriz Ruíz-Boato

Co-Chair of the Madrid KnowledgeNet chapter of the IAPP. NEC EMEA Data Protection Officer.

Tuesday 18 May

16,00 LINC Lab: Innovation, experimentation and foresight in a Data Protection Authority.

Régis ChatellierI
nnovation & Foresight Project Manager at Department of Technologies and Innovation of the CNIL.

16,45 Transparency and data protection: compatible rights, current situation and future challenges in Ibero-America.

Adrián Alcalá Méndez
Commissioner at the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data of Mexico.

17,30 Data protection challenges and opportunities in South America.

Eduardo Peduto Pardo

Director of the Data Protection Center of the Ombudsman’s Office of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (Argentina).

Gonzalo Sosa Barreto

Data Protection Coordinator at the Regulatory and Control of Personal Data Unit AGESIC(Uruguay).

Gloria de la Fuente González

President of the Transparency Council of Chile.

Lorena Naranjo Godoy

Director of the National Directorate of Public Data Registry of Ecuador.


Francisco González-Calero Manzaneres

Co-Chair of the Madrid KnowledgeNet chapter of the IAPP. International Lead Advisor Legal Services at Govertis Advisory Services.

18,50 Towards convergence of protection rules at global level and transborder data flows.

Ralf Sauer
Deputy Head of the International Data Protection Unit, DG Justice and Consumers, European Commission.

19,45 Starting point and challenges in Central America and North America in the area of data protection.

Elizabeth Mora Elizondo

Director of the Costa Rican Data Protection Agency.

Luis Gustavo Parra Noriega

Commissioner of the Institute of Transparency, Access to Public Information and Protection of Personal Data of the State of Mexico and Municipalities.

Armando Lin

Head of International Technical Cooperation of the National Entity for Transparency and Access to Information of Panama.


Daniel López Carballo

Director of the Ibero-American Data Protection Observatory initiative. Partner ECIJA Lawyers.

Wednesday 19 May

15,45 Regulatory challenges and opportunities in data protection in Asia.

Raymund Enriquez Liboro
Privacy Commissioner and Chairman of the National Privacy Commission of Philippines.

16,30 Challenges and opportunities in the era of the coming ePrivacy Regulation.

João Ferreira Pinto
Attachée for Digital Affairs at the Portuguese Permanent Representation to the European Union.

17,15 Challenges and opportunities for data protection on the African continent.

Drudeisha Madhub

Data Protection Commissioner of the Data Protection Office of Mauritius.

Johannes Collen Weapond

Advocate full time member of the Information Regulator South Africa.


Mauricio Paris Cruz

Manager of the Privacy and Data Foundation of Costa Rica. Partner ECIJA Lawyers.

18,30 Challenges and future of data protection regulation in Europe.

Attila Péterfalvi

President of the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of Hungry.

Filipa Calvão

President of the Portuguese Data Protection Authority.

Cian O’Brien

Senior Regulatory Lawyer of the Data Protection Commission of Ireland.


Daniel López Carballo

Director of the Ibero-American Data Protection Observatory initiative. Partner ECIJA Lawyers.

21,15 Closing and conclusions.

Luis A. García Segura

Co-Director of the Master’s Degree in Data Protection and Security of the Nebrija University.

Ana de la Higuera López-Frías

Co-Chair of the Madrid KnowledgeNet chapter of the IAPP. Manager KPMG.

Daniel López Carballo

Director of the Ibero-American Data Protection Observatory initiative. Partner ECIJA Lawyers.

El Foro Internacional de Privacidad y Protección de Datos es una iniciativa de
Daniel López Carballo