Lorena Naranjo Godoy has been a lawyer in the Courts of Justice of the Republic of Ecuador since June 2002. She is currently a PhD candidate in Legal and Political Sciences at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville, Spain. In June 2007, she obtained her Master’s degree in New Technologies Law at this university.
She is a specialist in Procedural Law from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. She has also taken courses related to IT law in Spain and abroad, as well as courses on pedagogical updating.
Mgs. Lorena Naranjo has given several lectures and courses in legal sciences at seminars, conferences, conferences and seminars.
She has also received several awards. In February 2012, she was the second highest scorer in the Merit and Opposition Competition for Social Control and Citizen Challenges, for the position of Judge of the Provincial Court of Justice of Pichincha. At present, she is on the Eligibility List.
She is a member of the World Association of Virtual Tutors and is a top rated professor in the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences at the International University, SEK.
He was a founding member of the Ecuadorian Institute of Procedural Law, founded in Quito on 20 July 2006.
Until 18 October, when she was appointed National Director of Public Data, she was Director of the Law School of the Universidad de la Américas.
She was Advisor in charge of the Directorate of Legal Counsel and International Affairs of the Presidency of the National Court of Justice from June 2013 to February 2014.
She served as Undersecretary for Regulatory Development, Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Worship, from May 2011 to June 2013; Advisor in charge of the Directorate of Legal Counsel and International Affairs of the Presidency of the National Court of Justice, from June 2010 to May 2011; Coordinator of the Administrative Area of the Department of Jurisprudence Processing of the National Court of Justice (Judicial Assistant 3), from April 2009 to May 2010.
She was a full-time lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the Universidad de las Américas, teaching the subjects of: Computer Law, Persons, Assets, Legal Acts, Family Law.
She has participated in projects as a consultant on issues related to Computer Law.
She has taken part in important research projects, such as «The essential content of personal data protection in Ecuador in the light of the European, North American and Latin American models»; «The data protection regime in the CRM, according to Spanish legislation», «Legal consequences of the execution of the sentence that has been challenged in cassation» and «The treatment given by the Supreme Court of Ecuador to the lack of legitimatio ad causam and the lack of legitimatio ad processum».
Author of several articles published in various specialised journals: elderechoinformatico.com, Revista Científica de Derecho FORO, of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador, Derecho Informático, of Universidad de las Américas; she is also co-author of the book «Transformación del Sistema de Justicia en el Ecuador», and contributor to the work «Los protagonistas del Derecho Procesal desde Chiovenda a nuestros días», by the author Osvaldo Gozaíni, with the article «Derecho Procesal en Latinoamérica.