Wednesday 19 May 2021

15,45  Regulatory challenges and opportunities in data protection in Asia. **

Raymund Enriquez Liboro 
Privacy Commissioner and Chairman of the National Privacy Commission of Philippines.

16,30  Challenges and opportunities in the era of the coming ePrivacy Regulation. *

João Ferreira Pinto
Attachée for Digital Affairs at the Portuguese Permanent Representation to the European Union.

17,15  Challenges and opportunities for data protection on the African continent. **

Drudeisha Madhub
Data Protection Commissioner of the Data Protection Office of Mauritius.

Johannes Collen Weapond
Advocate full time member of the Information Regulator South Africa.


Mauricio Paris Cruz
Manager of the Privacy and Data Foundation of Costa Rica. Partner ECIJA Lawyers.

18,30  Challenges and future of data protection regulation in Europe. **

Attila Péterfalvi
President of the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of Hungry.

Filipa Calvão
President of the Portuguese Data Protection Authority.

Cian O’Brien
Senior Regulatory Lawyer of the Data Protection Commission of Ireland.


Daniel López Carballo
Director of the Ibero-American Data Protection Observatory initiative. Partner ECIJA Lawyers.

19,45  Adoption of the updated principles on the protection of personal data by the Inter-American Juridical Committee of the OAS. *

Mariana Salazar Albornoz
Rapporteur of the Inter-American Juridical Committee of the Organization of American States.

20,30  Recognition of adequate level of protection: national regulation and regulatory challenges in Isle of Man. **

Iain McDonald
Isle of Man Information Commissioner.

21,15  Closing and conclusions *

Luis A. García Segura
Co-Director of the Master’s Degree in Data Protection and Security of the Nebrija University.

Ana de la Higuera López-Frías
Co-Chair of the Madrid KnowledgeNet chapter of the IAPP. Manager KPMG.

Daniel López Carballo
Director of the Ibero-American Data Protection Observatory initiative. Partner ECIJA Lawyers.


Time zone of Madrid (GMT+2).

*  Session conducted in Spanish.
**  Session conducted in English