Director of the Personal Data Protection Centre of the Ombudsman’s Office of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. He holds a degree in Sociology from the University of Belgrano.
He has been Assistant Professor of Argentine History at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Buenos Aires, Professor of Argentine History in the Entry Course to the University of Buenos Aires at the Association of Psychologists of Buenos Aires, Professor of Elements of Social Anthropology and Argentine Historical-Social Elements, taught at S.E.A (Services of Studies and Assistance) for psychologists and psychiatrists, and Professor of Argentine History II at the University of Salvador.
Professionally, he has been a member of the Cabinet of the Ombudsman of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires as Head of Legislative Initiative of the agency; Head of General Administration and Human Resources of the Ombudsman’s Office of the City of Buenos Aires; Deputy General Coordinator of the Committee for Ibero-American Cooperation and Integration of the Secretariat of Education and Culture of the M.C.B.A.; Advisor to the Secretariat of Education and Culture of the M.C.B.A.; Advisor to the Undersecretary of Culture of the M. C.C.B.A.; Advisor to the President of the Bicameral Commission of MERCOSUR of the National Congress; Chief of Cabinet of the Secretariat of Education and Culture of the M.C.B.A.; Deputy Director General of Libraries of the M.C.B.A.; Advisor to the Vice-President of the Commission of MERCOSUR of the M.C.B.A.; Advisor to the Vice-President of the Commission of MERCOSUR of the M.C.B.A. Advisor to the Vice-President of the Science and Technology Commission of the Chamber of Deputies; Manager of the Association of Psychologists of Buenos Aires; Vice-President of the Board of Directors of S.E.A. and Head of the Department of University Pedagogy of the Rectorate of the University of Buenos Aires, among others.
Deputy of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires between December 2001 and December 2003; he has been a member of the Editorial Committee and Columnist of the magazine «La Trama», of the Research Team on «National Senators: Monitoring the Performance of their Legislative Work 2000-2001» of the Novum Millenium Foundation; General Coordinator and Compiler of Texts of the magazine «Aportes para re-conocernos en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires» (Contributions to get to know each other again in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires). Collaborator in the initiative of the Ibero-American Data Protection Observatory.
Author of the article «El Importante Capital de la Cultura», Magazine «Aportes para el crecimiento, el empleo y la educación», of «La Proyección de la Argentina en el Mundo: integración e identidad nacional» published in «Proyecciones del Pensamiento Nacional», of «Socioanálisis: aportes teóricos complementarios al psicoanálisis», «El Papel de la Sociología en el Campo de la Salud Mental», among others.
Columnist for «Le Monde Diplomatique», permanent columnist on international issues for the programme «Hilando Fino», permanent contributor to the magazine «CREAR en el Pensamiento Nacional», compiler of the book «Experiencias de la Nueva Pedagogía» published by the Rectorado de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. He has given numerous courses and conferences both in Argentina and internationally.

Centro de Protección de Datos de la Defensoría del Pueblo de Buenos Aires
Venezuela 842 (1095)
Tel. 54 11 4338-4900